In this issue, our editors hope to have foraged what is in, and of, the wild. We bask in the abundance of what has been ignored and unleash the dormant art lying within untamed landscapes. What does rewilding mean –…
Shining a Light on the Northern Pint: An Interview with Misty Taylor
Over this year’s summer, SINK encouraged young northerners to explore their culture and identity in an essay competition with prompts of Northern independence, identity or spirit. It was the final question, ‘what is the spirit of the North,’ which inspired…
Utopia: Dreaming Up a New Dimension
What does utopia mean to young, Northern artists? In this issue, contributors paint up their predictions, hopes and dreams for the future. Ranging from dynamic art, witty poems and thoughtful essays. For centuries the idea of a perfect world has…
“I am deeply Mancunian on a molecular level”: Speaking to Natalie Morris
We spoke to journalist and writer Natalie Morris about her game-changing book Mixed/Other, what Northernness means to her, and what a diverse and equal media landscape would look like. Natalie Morris is an engaging, charismatic and tenacious voice in the…
Summer essay writing competition
SINK magazine is launching its debut short essay competition to encourage young Northern creatives to get thinking and writing about the issues which affect and underlie regional inequalities. We are looking for short essays of up to 750 words responding…
The Survivors Trust UK: Issue 2 Charity Spotlight
CN: sexual assault, violence, abuse and harassment, r*pe culture, sex, brief reference to Sarah Everard When we chose to base our second issue on intimacy, love, sex and the body, we were acutely aware of the sensitivities and difficulties that…
Free Period Products Reveal How Bodily Autonomy is Limited by Socio-Economic Factors
Background After extensive grassroots campaigning, Scotland has become the first nation in the world to provide period products for free to all who menstruate. While the practice of providing free period products in public buildings has been widespread for at…
Hungry children are not “a liability to the state”
The voting of 322 of our elected representatives against providing free school meals for children in England until Easter 2021 highlights how out-of-touch and uncaring this Tory government is. They claim it’s to avoid ‘state-dependency’ and that they have a…
‘Fatima’s next job could be in cyber’
In 2016, I was in set four in maths, with a man who got increasingly frustrated with me as I demonstrated carelessness, a lack of focus, and a tendency to make mistakes. He clearly saw me as a nuisance as…
Reproductive Rights and the US’ History of Forced Sterilisation
CN: This post contains reference to forced sterilisation, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, classism and ableism Background Many harrowing allegations of forced hysterectomies and other unnecessary gynaecological procedures at an ICE detention centre in Georgia have been alleged by a whistleblower…