We are proud to have recently opened submissions for our upcoming anthology featuring art and writing by UK-based refugees and asylum seekers!

In case it wasn’t clear enough, this is not a regular SINK issue and we are ONLY looking for work from people from a refugee background.

If this applies to you, please send your work to editors@sinkmagazine.co.uk You will receive a free copy of the anthology when it is released and we will be comping as many contributors as possible to attend our launch event on World Refugee Day, June 20. All profits will be donated to charities working with refugees. 

There is no theme – we just want your brilliant work – and you can send us writing in any language. Please also send us a short bio if possible.

We will also be running a series of workshops and outreach events as part of this project, which aims to platform refugee voices and build community. We already have a number of collaborators on this project, but if you would like to get involved in organising – and this opportunity is open to anyone and everyone – please reach out to us and let us know!

Please do also share this page far and wide – we want to reach as many people as possible. More details on this project and on our collaborators coming soon.