Friends, all we feel today is rage. Rage for the migrants who will now, more than ever, be forced to spend their lives looking over their shoulders. Rage for Ukrainians, who have fought aggressive Russian imperial expansionism for almost three years, only to be stripped of their own soil in this flimsy and fraudulent plan for “peace.” Rage for victims of sexual abuse, who have to watch a rapist ascend to the highest seat of power yet again. Rage for our feminist ancestors, who fought and bled for the reproductive rights now being stripped from us around the world. Rage for Palestinians, stripped now even of the figleaf of American protection in the face of a never-ending genocide – and rage that this genocide never even made it onto the ballot. Rage for the people of colour who face another four years of officially sanctioned racism and white supremacy. Rage for the trans and queer people whose already tenuous rights will now doubtless be further curtailed. And above all, rage for the world, which is forced to live in the shadow of this bloated authoritarian empire.
A new, and surely emboldened, era of demonisation and hate is upon us. Use us as an outlet for your rage, your despair, your fears. Our blog is open for the very rawest of your emotions. Tomorrow, let us hope. Today, let us feel the weight of our rage.
Send your thoughts to us at
“Photo by Rochelle Brown on Unsplash